Vasileios Vamvakas

About Me

Hi, I'm Vasilis! I'm originally from Greece and now based in the UK and I have been a professional software engineer for about 2 years now. I have a background in Electronic Engineering, which gave me first exposure in ML/AI Applications and got be hooked in programming. Now I'm pursuing a career in backend and platform engineering. I am planning to use this website as kind of a portfolio and in the future maybe a dev log of some sorts. Connect with me on my socials :)

My Projects


I created this library to create reusable HTMX components with Go! This is how I made this blog :).

languages: go, htmxapplications: frontendVisit Project


My very own message broker implementation with binary encoding. It consists of a request producer, a dispatcher and worker pools. I used it to provide my interpretation of the 1 billion row challenge using the Map Reduce paradigm, achieving more than a 99% time improvement over the brute force method.

languages: goapplications: backend, concurrencyVisit Project

ATR with LiDAR mounted drone

My Masters dissertation project. It involves novel research around Automatic Target Recognition using a LiDAR mounted drone. Created a fully functional Data Processing pipeline, which involved encoding 3D point cloud data into 2D, performing schene segmentation using a CNN, extracting spatial and geometrical data and then utilising a reinforcement learning algorithm to adjust the trajectory of the drone.

languages: python, matlabapplications: computer-visionVisit Project


My own implementation of a POSIX filesystem on the cloud. Used my cloud platform engineering experience to create a google drive like application for my own files.

languages: python, azure-cliapplications: cloud-storageVisit Project


My very own Database Management System written in C. Creating a sqlite-like database module, mostly just to understand databases better and get more proficient at using C!

languages: capplications: database managementVisit Project